Monday 19 October 2009

Into the West

If anyone reading this has not heard of the cult classic Irish film 'Into the West' then you should hunt it down and watch it as quickly as your fingers can type you towards the nearest amazon task bar. Perhaps I'm bias, as a sort of Irish resident (well, they're attached to Northern Ireland, that's about it) and a childhood horse lover, it has all the elements of nostalgia, magic and bank holiday Monday on RTE memories that I will ever need. This was also the first ever film I cried at and pretended to have fallen over outside so as to hide my embarrassment at doing so.

I could gush about the context, the content and the concept for paragraphs but the best thing to do is recommend that you watch it. When else will you ever watch a film about two brothers from a Dublin council estate who steal away their pet horse from a racing mogul, ride it across the Irish countryside all the while being tracked by their gypsy father (played by Gabrial Byrne) only to discover, after escapades involving cinemas and exploding tins of beans that the horse in fact possesses the spirit of their dead mother. Oh, what do you know, it didn't take me paragraphs after all!

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