Sunday 18 October 2009

Simple Pleasures part I

A long running topic of discussion, creative instigation and general appreciation for me has always been the concept of things which, in life are the simplest but make the toil towards the greater goal easier by providing the day to day pleasure that keeps at bay the frustration of access towards ultimate contentment. Obviously these vary day to day if not moment by moment but by considering these as a jumping block towards what really matters in life, they help keep things in check.

Many of my simple pleasures are artistically rooted, whether that be writing, going alone to 'look at art' (this is actually the only way you can retrospectively decide for yourself what it is that you appreciate as there is no push or pull from another persons presence and preference), or creating. A lot of my simple pleasures generally require some kind of notebook/pen/time alone combo and below are the results of a Maroon Muji passport notebook/Muji double ended black marker/night shifts at my old job with nothing but the internet and a coffee machine for company combination. The top one is of a friend and the bottom one is a somewhat dodgey self portait of sorts.

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